Edible Streets! So, how about it? We’re super excited to be involved in this Oxford Brookes University research project exploring the feasibility of creating edible streetscapes in Oxford. The idea is to integrate food production on publicly owned and publicly accessible land on streets where people live and work, by using underused urban areas bordering urban streets. The edible plants are visible by anyone walking in the street, easy to access by occupants of the street for maintenance and harvesting – making it easier to participate in food production.

The project is a collaboration between the School of Architecture, Centre for Nutrition and Health, Centre for Psychological Research, PhD student Chris Blythe, Sow Space Architects’ Practice, Oxfordshire County Public Health, and Elizabeth Parker – Impact management public engagement expert. To learn more and see updates about this project, visit the Edible Streets website here.

Talk to us if you have a design / research collaboration project in mind and / or if you’d like to discuss how we as architects can help you to integrate food production in the built environment.