With February’s lighter evenings finally starting to make their presence felt, we thought we’d share a look at a project we began last summer that’s all about making the most of what the sun has to offer… Another feasibility study, this time the challenge was to fit a new build dwelling into a tight, slightly sunken spot, creating a space that would frame southwesterly views up into a row of neighbouring trees and capture the light beyond, all without impinging on the outdoor amenity and rights to light of existing homes nearby.
We designed a modest single-storey dwelling with a monopitch roof and high clerestory windows that would, periscope-like, catch the late afternoon sunlight and direct it down into the daytime living spaces and an internal courtyard. Sleeping areas of the building sit opposite, deeper into the shade of the trees, under a flat green roof that provides a sympathetic outlook for the adjacent, elevated dwellings – as well as a promising habitat for any non-human neighbours!
We love the challenge presented by these early stage feasibility studies – get in touch if you have the beginnings of an idea for a project, or a tricky spot you’d like to make the most of.