Construction Starts

Construction Starts

Construction starts on site! Our client in East Oxford is carrying out a significant extension and refurbishment of their 1930s end terrace. The whole rear of the house will be extended, using timber frame and glu-lam construction to almost eliminate the use of steel...
Insulation Retrofit

Insulation Retrofit

Site progress update on our retrofit project! Our client reported fridge-like winter temperatures in their pre-1900 solid brick and stone house in West Oxfordshire. To address this, we carried out a whole house appraisal to find a balanced retrofit approach alongside...
Seasonal Update

Seasonal Update

Summer is officially over, and the autumnal weather has arrived with a welcome freshness! We had a well-deserved extended summer break, while September has been fully utilised to catch up, hence the lengthy pause in our practice updates. We’ve started a number of new...
Site Progress

Site Progress

A site progress photo from one of our projects under construction! This extension, remodel, and deep retrofit of an Edwardian terrace in East Oxford will be a real showcase project for how to reduce energy in-use by 80%. Measures include IWI to the front to maintain...
Planning Permission Granted

Planning Permission Granted

Planning permission granted! This part single, part two-storey rear extension and whole house retrofit in south Oxford had a whole host of challenges. With a growing family and visiting extended family, our client wanted to utilise all available space on the site,...